Our Philosophy

image of the child

Children are viewed as competent, curious and natural researchers who are full of knowledge, potential and interested in connecting to the world around them.

inquiry and collaboration

Ideas are discussed, investigations are shared, and opportunities are created to extend and build upon theories.  We encourage and support the children to work together during play and inquiry and entrust the children to solve problems. A collaborative approach develops respect for many points of view, ideas, theories and suggestions of individual children as well as the group.


We focus on creating relationships, making connections and establishing dialogue between educators, families and children. We believe that children are deeply connected to family and community and we invite families to take an active role in contributing to the process of discovery and learning.

the hundred languages

Children express their ideas, theories, feelings and creativity through many languages. We create time and space for the children to experiment with open-ended, creative, flexible materials and promote artistic opportunities to enhance children’s learning.

teachers as co-researchers

Teachers co-research alongside the children.  They make visible the children’s voices through listening, questioning, reciprocal dialogue and documentation. We aim to focus on the learning rather than the teaching, to better understand the process rather than the product.

environment and spaces

Through carefully designed use of space, with emphasis on the exploration of colour, light, technologies, loose parts, open-ended materials, the environment plays a crucial role and supports interaction and engagement. Space is designed to encourage encounters, wonder, investigation, exploration and discovery.


The learning processes are documented in a variety of ways to make learning visible to the educators, children and families.  Documentation allows children and educators to re-visit their experiences, reflect upon them and extend on their learning.

visit us at our next open morning!

we would love to share with you a moment of inspiration, insight and imagination.

Contact us for upcoming open morning dates, or apply online now.